Thursday, October 9, 2008

Are we there yet?

Did anyone watch the debate Tuesday night? I had to keep switching back and forth between that and CSI to stay awake. I kinda felt bad for the audience, which was the REAL reason I watched in the first place. (Selah lead singer Todd Smith was front row, next to one of the few that was abled to ask a question.) Don't get me wrong though, I keep up with the candidates and am very interested in the outcome. I just get sooo annoyed with the way both present themselves, and more so that they are like broken records. The worst part of the whole thing was that neither of them could not stay within the time limitations and the question wasn't even answered!
Anyways....I have a couple blogs I read daily. One of which is Bring the Rain, check it out. She's a very good person! I'm very interested in reading a book that a friend of her wrote called Churched. She gave a few out to those with the funniest child story! There were tons, must have been hard for her to pick. My hubby and I laughed over them lastnight!
My kids are excited for Halloween. My daughter wants to be a gnome this week, last week she wanted to be an x-ray machine and a few weeks ago she wanted to be a combination of all the farm animals she knows! My son on the other hand is very adiment about being a vampire...easy enough for me! I make their costumes, so I must get started soon. Lets hope nothing changes before the big night.